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Strand 1. Historical, philosophical and socio-cultural studies of STM: implications for education
- Theme 1: History and Philosophy of STM
- Theme 2: Socio-cultural and gender issues in STM
- Theme 3: Science and Technology Studies
Strand 2. Cognitive and affective studies of STME
- Theme 1: Visuo-spatial thinking
- Theme 2: Knowledge representation
- Theme 3: Language and learning
- Theme 4: Problem solving, learning and reasoning
Strand 3. Curriculum and pedagogical studies in STME
- Theme 1: Assessment and evaluation
- Theme 2: Role of ICT in teaching-learning
- Theme 3: Classroom interaction and discourse
- Theme 4: Affective aspects of learning
- Theme 5: Professional development of teachers
- Theme 6: Educational initiatives and innovations
Strand 4. Discipline-based education research with emphasis on undergraduate science education
- Theme1: Astronomy Education Research
- Theme2: Biology/Life Science Education Research
- Theme3: Chemistry Education Research
- Theme4: Physics Education Research