Tips for Submission

To submit paper please visit the following link: For Authors

Authors who want to submit their papers can use the box labelled “For Authors”. Using this, authors can submit, edit, re-upload, view papers.

To submit a paper initially, each user has to Register to the System. Registration is required only once per user. Please note your username and password for future reference. After you register an email will be sent to your contact email address providing you with a link. Once you click on the link, your account is activated and you are prompted to log in. At the log in prompt enter your username and password. This will lead you to a Paper Submission Form where you can upload your paper. After you submit the form with the uploaded paper, a notification email with a paperID will be sent to your contact email id.

The box labelled “For Authors” has the following links;

  1. Submit a Paper (Sign In): You have to provide the username and the password that you created during the registration process, fill the form provided and upload your paper. After you submit a paper, a notification email with a  paperID is sent to your contact email id.
  2. Edit Submission: Using this link, you may edit the form/s filled by you and make changes if any for a particular paper. You need to provide the paperID and user password.  After you make changes, a notification email is sent to your contact email id.
  3. Re-Upload Paper: You can use this link, to re-upload the paper that you submitted using the Submit a Paper link. You need to provide the paperID and user password. After you re-upload a paper, a notification email is sent to your contact email id.
  4. View Papers: You can view your uploaded paper by providing your paperID and your user password. The paper can also be downloaded by you.

At any stage you can logout from the conference system by clicking on the Logout button. Also you can change your password by clicking on the Change Password button. Please note that if you wish to submit more than one paper, you have to repeat the above process (1-4). Accordingly, the system generates a different PaperId. The `Submit a Paper’ link is for one paper at a time.You can click on OpenConfHome to get back to the main menu.

If there are any technical problems regarding the conference system you may send an email to Conference Convener at or